How To Get All Endings In Triangle Strategy

By our own Malcolm Schmitz

Like all good strategy games, Triangle Strategy has a compelling story. It’s a sweeping fantasy epic about war, injustice, and standing up for what you believe in. Your choices determine how the story ends. 

But it can be tricky to see all the endings, and the Golden Route to the True Ending is especially challenging to find. This guide is here to help you see all of the Triangle Strategy endings on one save file. 

This guide will spoil the full game, including all endings. If you want to see the story for yourself, go play it!

What Are All Triangle Strategy Endings?

Triangle Strategy’s story has four endings, based on the choices you make throughout the game. 

Three of the Triangle Strategy endings are tied to the game’s morality system: they line up with the Liberty, Unity, and Morality Convictions. 

The fourth ending, the True Ending or Golden Route of Triangle Strategy, is the best ending– but you can only get it if you make a very specific set of correct choices. You most likely won’t get it on your first playthrough. In fact, we recommend you don’t try- your happy ending will have more of an impact if you see the tragic endings first.

Why Should I Unlock All The Triangle Strategy Endings On One Save File?

Triangle Strategy Screenshot Cordelia Speaking

Triangle Strategy has a ton of branching choices, and you can’t see them all in one game. You can play the game four times, deleting your old save files and making different choices – but we recommend you play all four times on the same save file, in New Game Plus mode.

If you want to unlock every character in the game, you need to play the New Game Plus mode at least once. On top of that, it’s easier to gain more Conviction and to influence characters in New Game Plus. 

If you want to see everything the Triangle Strategy endings have to offer, you need to play the game on New Game Plus– so it makes sense to do all the endings on the same save file.   

Which Order Should I Play The Triangle Strategy Endings In? 

Triangle Strategy In-Game Screenshot

To get the best experience with Triangle Strategy, we recommend you play the game without a guide for your first playthrough. Act according to your convictions, and see where they take you.

If you’re hellbent on using a guide for all the Triangle Strategy endings, start with the Utility ending, then the Liberty ending, and finally the Morality ending. This helps you build your Convictions without having to power level. 

After you’ve seen everything else in the game, play the True Ending. 

Tips For Unlocking All Triangle Strategy Endings 

Triangle Strategy In-Game Screenshot of a Castle

Raise the Conviction that goes with the ending you want to reach. 

Each ending goes with a specific Conviction. If you don’t have enough of that Conviction, you might not be able to reach the ending you want, because you’ll be outvoted. So focus on raising the Conviction that goes with your current ending. After a couple playthroughs, you should have enough Conviction to do whatever you want. 

The branching path that leads to the endings is in Chapter 17.

By Chapter 17,  you should have enough Conviction that you can convince your allies to take the path you want them to take- or have made the choices that let you unlock the Golden Route. If you don’t, you’ll need to go back to an earlier chapter, eke out some Conviction with camp activities.

There’s no shame in playing on Very Easy.

 If you want to experience every challenge in the game, go ahead and sweat it out. But if you just want to see the endings, turn down the difficulty, whizz through the battles, and enjoy the story.

How To Unlock The Utility Ending

This ending is also called Roland’s Route- it sees you allying with Hyzante to fight Aesfrost. 

Raise your Utility Conviction. 

Having a high Conviction is necessary to persuade people to vote the way you’d like them to, and the Utility ending requires you to convince people to vote. 

Raising your Utility conviction means playing logically and carefully, with an eye for self-preservation. There’s several ways to raise your Utility Conviction: 

MethodConviction Gained
Choose the Utility options in conversations.+50 Conviction per correct choice
Sell unneeded items at shops for coin+8 Utility per 5000 coins earned
Proactively collecting items and information+1 Utility per 25 items
Deploying units recommended for the battle+1 Utility
Using Quietuses+1 Utility per 20 Quietuses
Collecting spoils+1 Utility per 10 spoils
Weakening enemies+1 Utility per100 debuffs
Eradicating all enemy units when doing so isn’t a victory condition+2 Utility per battle
Winning a battle with a recommended level higher than your army’s level+1 Utility per battle

In Chapter 17, convince Hughette and Erador to ‘stand with Roland’. 

You only need to convince two characters to follow this route, though you’ll need to break a tie later. If you can’t seem to convince Hughette or Erador, you don’t have a high enough Utility condition; roll back to an older save and raise your Liberty conviction.

HughettePick “stand with Roland” and pick the first choice; then pick the second choice.
EradorPick “stand with Roland’, and then pick the first choice.

Break the tie in Roland’s favour.

Your council will be tied, and you’ll have to choose between Benedict and Roland. Break the tie in favour of Roland. 

Play through the three unique chapters of Roland’s route. 

Roland’s route has three chapters you must complete before the ending. 

Here’s a few pointers to help you get started:

18R/Begone, Shadow of SadnessSycras is surrounded by healers. You can’t just teleport behind him to damage him, because they’ll heal him immediately; you’ll have to take out the healers first.
19R/A Dream in WinterSince you’re trying to decimate the enemy, save Gustadolph for last– he packs a nasty punch, and he’s easier to deal with alone.
20R/The Bell Tolls For No OneKeep an eye on the terrain in this battle– the field is full of molten iron, and Svarog can cast a spell that makes even more tiles damage your units.

How To Unlock The Liberty Ending 

This ending is also called Benedict’s Route– it sees you allying with Aesfrost to fight Hyzante. 

Raise your Liberty Conviction. 

The Liberty ending requires you to persuade people to vote for a plan. To convince them, you need to have a high Liberty conviction. 

You raise your Liberty Conviction by playing the game the way you want to play it, and taking risks along the way  There’s several ways to raise your Liberty conviction: 

MethodConviction Gained
Choose the Liberty choices in conversations.+50 for a correct choice
Spend coins in shops+8 coins per 10,000 coins spent
Use Items 50 items = +1 Liberty
Examine objects10 objects = +1 Liberty 
Deploy units not recommended in battles+1 Liberty per battle
Steal items5 stolen items = +1 Liberty
Heal allies200 heals = +1 Liberty
Win battles with a recommended level lower than that of your party.+1 Liberty per battle

In Chapter 17, convince Geela, Anna, and Erador to ‘assent to Benedict’s strategy’.

If you need help convincing them, here’s the choices you need to make: 

GeelaPick “Assent to Benedict’s strategy”, then pick the second choice.
AnnaPick “Assent to Benedict’s strategy”, then pick the first choice. 
EradorPick “Assent to Benedict’s strategy”, pick the second choice, and then pick the first choice. 

If you choose these options and you still don’t get them to vote for you, you don’t have a high enough Liberty Conviction. Go back to an older save and do what you can to raise it.

Play through the three unique chapters of Benedict’s route. 

Benedict’s route has three unique chapters, each with their own story beats and battles. 

18B/Harden Thy HeartFight defensively. The enemy cavalry is rushing your position; splitting up to deal with them will divide your forces.
19B/Wheresoever Passions LeadWatch out for status effects- Exharme can give your units Temptation, turning them against the party for a few rounds.
20B/Dance of the AutomatonThe Hierophant’s immune to all status effects. Bring a unit that can deliver a nasty regular attack– and bring some mages for crowd control. 

How To Unlock The Morality Ending

This ending is also called Frederica’s Route- in this route, you travel to Hyzante, free the Roselle, and leave Norzelia behind. 

Raise your Morality Conviction. 

Like the other two main endings, you’ll need to convince your council that Frederica’s vision is best. If you’re playing the endings in the order we suggested, that won’t be an issue. But if you do the Morality ending first, or want to know how to raise all your Convictions, here’s a chart: 

MethodConviction Gained
Choose the Morality option in conversations.+50 Morality per conversation
Trade kudos for items+5 Morality per 500 kudos
Participate in mental mock battles.+2 Morality per battle
Talk to every NPC you can.+1 Morality per 25 NPCs talked to
End a turn without moving or taking action.+1 Morality per 100 turns waited through
Buff allies.+1 Morality per 100 buffed stat points
End a battle without killing all enemies.+2 Morality per battle
Win a battle with a recommended level the same as your army’s. +1 Morality per battle 

In Chapter 17, convince Geela, Hughette, and Erador to ‘place your faith in Frederica’s vision”’. 

GeelaPick “Place your faith in Frederica’s vision”, then pick the first choice.
HughettePick “Place your faith in Frederica’s vision”, then pick the first choice. 
EradorPick “Place your faith in Frederica’s vision”, then pick the second choice.  

Play through the three unique chapters of Frederica’s route. 

Frederica’s route has three chapters, each with its own battles and story beats.  Here’s some tips to help you make it to the end.

18F/From the AbyssThe boss of this level can hit your units with a powerful attack that freezes them and then damages them over several turns. Keep your units out of range until you’re ready to take her out. 
19F/Hold Fast to CourageKeep your units on the wooden paths- the water slows you down, and units in water are vulnerable to lightning attacks. 
20F/Blessed FreedomYou can’t allow any of your allies to get killed in this mission; keep a healer and a powerful attacker near them.

How To Unlock The True Ending 

Triangle Strategy In-Game Screenshot of a castle breach

The True Ending is the best ending of the game. Serenoa defeats Hyzante and frees Glenbrook from Aesfrost’s rule.

However, it’s also the hardest of the Triangle Strategy endings to achieve. Instead of successfully making one choice in Chapter Seventeen, you have to take a very specific path through the game. 

As you’re playing the Golden Route, save before every critical choice. 

You have to set some very specific flags to make the Golden Route accessible. If you screw up something in chapter 7 or 9, you’ll have to go all the way back to the beginning. Keep a save at every critical point if you can– it’ll save you some grief later on if you miss something.

In Chapter 7, choose to surrender Roland.

Theoretically, it doesn’t matter which option you choose in Chapter 7; you get Roland back regardless. But if you choose to defend Roland, you need to beat Chapter 7A without using any fire traps. This is difficult, so if you’re not confident in your tactical skills, save yourself the hassle. 

In Chapter 9, choose to transport the illegal salt.

In Chapter 9, you need to convince your council to transport the illegal salt.

Talk to the Wolffort Soldier in the marketplace during the exploration phase. Then, convince Anna that smuggling the salt is the right call. 

In Chapter 10A, choose to reveal Roland’s identity to Svarog.

During the exploration phase, you need to talk to the guard by the gates to get the “Disunity in the Duchy” information. Use that information to convince Frederica and Erador to reveal Roland’s secret. 

In Chapter 11, choose to defend the Roselle.

In Chapter 11, you’ve got to convince your council to defend the Roselle. Convince Hughette that it’s the right thing to do. By now you should have enough Conviction that this is a walk in the park. 

In Chapter 12, find the Roselle Key.

During Chapter 12’s exploration phase, go into the Elder’s house and talk to him. Talk to Benedict, and then talk to Frederica.

Once she has him distracted, go back to his house and examine the place where he was sitting. Grab the Pink Rock.

In Chapter 15, choose to Return to Wolffort.

Go outside, talk to Milo, and ask her where she’s going. Then, talk to Erador and Anna. Use the information about Milo to convince Anna. 

In Chapter 17, instead of voting, Find Another Way.

If you’ve done everything correctly, when it comes time to vote, you’ll get a choice. Select “No, there must be another way”. 

If you don’t get this option, you’ve missed one of the flags for the Golden Route. Roll back to an older save and try again.

Serenoa will ask himself several questions; choose these answers:

  • Greet them with the Wolffort demesne’s wIldfire?
  • Might Lord Svarog be the key?
  • We can expose the truth hidden within the Goddess’s statue.
  • They’re of the Consortium.

Play through the four chapters of Serenoa’s ending. 

The Golden Route has four extra chapters, and chapter 18 is subdivided into three battles. 

There’s a special gameplay twist- instead of selecting your party at the start of each mission, you have to divide your forces into three regiments. Once you divide your party, you won’t be able to swap characters between regiments- make sure you’ve got a tanky character, a mage, a bow user, and a support character in each.

18S1- Of Fire and BloodDecimate the enemy forces.Don’t hold back with the fire traps! They’re a great way to neutralize Exharme or control enemy crowds.
18S2- Bound By SorrowDefeat GustadolphConsider bringing Hughette and using her as a sniper- she can hit Gustadolph without getting hit back. 
18S3- For FreedomDecimate the enemy forces.Stay on the wooden platforms. The water slows you down badly, and in the water, you’re vulnerable to lightning attacks.
19S- The Fortress that is FaithDecimate the enemy forces.In this battle, you can use Avlora for the first time. Her stats get higher when her health is low– don’t be afraid to throw her into danger!
20S- No Turning Back Decimate the enemy forces.Lyla is a dangerous boss, with attacks that do massive damage after a certain number of turns. Use Quietuses, buffs, or chronomancy to neutralize her ASAP.
21S- For NorzeliaDefeat Idore! Idore has an ability that makes him invincible after his turn, but one hit can break through that invincibility. Don’t waste powerful attacks on him until it’s gone!


Triangle Strategy game artwork

All of the Triangle Strategy endings are worth seeing. If you follow this guide, you’ll see the credits roll– all four times. 

Which ending did you get when you played Triangle Strategy the first time?  Do you think Triangle Strategy is the best strategy game of this generation, or are you a Unicorn Overlord fan? Let us know in the comments, or hop onto our Discord to talk about all your favourite games.

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