Welcome to FragFriend.com! We’re thrilled to have you here. Let’s dive into who we are, what we love, and why we’re passionate about gaming.

Our Mission

At FragFriend.com, our mission is simple: to celebrate the world of gaming. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just picking up your first controller, we’re here to share our love for video games, explore game mechanics, optimize performance, and discuss the latest industry trends.

We aspire to help rising gaming writers. Each article (since September 2024) will have a donation link to donate straight to the article writer in order to support them in their career and to keep writing helpful content for gamers worldwide.

Meet the Team


Hi there! I’m Coffeemonk, the founder and chief gamer at FragFriend.com. My journey into the gaming universe began with an old-school ATARI console, and I’ve been hooked ever since. When I’m not writing about games, you’ll find me battling dragons, exploring distant galaxies, or analyzing frame rates.

FoolishPirate (a.k.a. Folly)

Hello! I’m Folly, a pirate at heart with a deep love for the sea and everything oceanic. When I’m not playing sea-based games, you’ll find me mostly immersed in RPGs and Souls-like games, with a bit of FPS action mixed in. My all time favorite games include Sea of Thieves, Minecraft(modded and vanilla) RDR2 and more. I’m also an avid fantasy reader, with my favorites being A Song of Ice and Fire, The Kingkiller Chronicles, and The Dresden Files to name a few. As for self-help books, I dislike them with a passion. I’m your guy if you need game or book recommendations!


Hello there! I’m Lumi, and I’m a pretty eclectic gamer. I love getting lost in immersive single-player stories, whether it’s the vast open world RPGs or the branching narratives of visual novels. Sometimes, I like to chill and watch YouTube or podcasts while playing cozy games. But when I’m feeling a bit more adventurous, I dive into the challenges of JRPGs, Roguelikes, Survival, and Souls games. And as a dedicated achievement hunter, I always strive to complete games I play to the fullest. I’m also always on the lookout for great indie games and hidden gems!

MC Saeid

MC Saeid here. My passion for video games started early on as a young kid and never let up. I very much enjoy narrative-focused games, and I’m always on the lookout for a deep, immersive experience regardless of the genre. My top five video games of all time are Red Dead Redemption 2, Control, The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto IV, and, in first place . . . drum roll, please . . . Max Payne! I’m also a passionate photographer, currently experimenting with analog film. I occasionally write and sketch and pretty much do all things that fulfill me creatively.

Abdul Wali Mansoor

I’m a seasoned entertainment writer, expert editor, and an undefeated Nord in Skyrim. Since high school, I’ve been writing guides, reviews, rankings, and crafting lists related to video games, movies, lifestyle finance, technology, and more. When I’m not uncontrollably raging at competitive shooters, I watch popular sci-fi flicks like Interstellar for the umpteenth time. My life motto? When nothing goes right, go left.


We are always interning and looking for new writers to contribute to FragFriend.com. Reach us via E-Mail or Discord and let us know of your interest.

Our Gaming Philosophy

We believe that gaming is more than just pixels on a screen. It’s an art form, a community, and a way to escape reality. Whether you’re a casual player or a competitive esports champion, you’re part of something bigger—a global network of dreamers, explorers, and button mashers.

Let’s Connect!

We’re not just pixels; we’re people. Reach out to us share your favorite gaming moments, and let’s level up together. Join our Discord server for exclusive game giveaways, tips, and partner coupons!

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